
We are researchers based at Cardiff University who are interested in cryptocurrencies. Having a wide range of skills and experiences allows us to look at them from different perspectives, leading to interesting and exciting combinations. You can find out more about us below! :)


Prof Maggie Chen

For more information, see https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/138450-chen-maggie


Dr Anqi Liu

For more information, see https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/948055-liu-anqi


Gabriela Filipkowska is a PhD student in Financial Mathematics. Her research explores cryptocurrencies from the cyber-risk perspective by understanding the systems' vulnerabilities and dependencies based on price movements.

For more information, see https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/research-students/view/2575982-Gabriela-Filipkowska


Fan Wu is a PhD student in Financial Mathematics at Cardiff University. Her research focuses on modelling financial risk contagion problems, aiming to bring new methodologies, such as network theory, to understand the complex dynamics of risk contagion in the financial network.

For more information, see https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/research-staff/wuf16


Beining Han is a PhD student in school of maths at Cardiff university, his research interests in cryptocurrency explores the volatility changes and forecasting volatility with classic and machine learning methods.

For more information, see https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/research-staff/hanb10


Jizong Wang is a PhD student in Financial Mathematics at Cardiff University. His research is aim to illuminate the intricate dynamics driving co-movements within the cryptocurrency sphere through rigorous analysis and innovative methodologies, contributing valuable insights to the understanding of market behavior.


Dr Padraig Corcoran is a Senior Lecturer and the Director of Research in the School of Computer Science and Informatics at Cardiff University. His research interests in blockchain and cryptocurrencies focus on the development of methods for scaling the number of blockchain transactions while maintaining decentralisation and privacy.

For more information, see https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/155896-corcoran-padraig


Dr Bo Guan is currently a lecturer in Accounting and Finance at Cardiff Business School in the United Kingdom. His research interests include corporate finance, behavioral finance, capital markets, and time series forecasting.

For more information, see https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/staff/guanb1


Dr Yuhua Li has conducted fundamental and applied research in artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science; and lead the Data Analytics and Machine Learning research group at Cardiff University. He has led research projects funded by the government, charity, and industry, in collaboration with national and international financial companies, to apply AI and machine learning to solve problems in FinTech, including capital market manipulation detection, insurance sales process optimisation and automated lending decision.

For more information, see https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/1063589-li-yuhua


Dr Hantao Liu has been involved in and led many projects funded by universities, government and charities. His research interests sit at the intersection of image and video processing, AI/Machine Learning, computer vision, machine learning, human perception and human-computer interaction.

For more information, see https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/374951-liu-hantao


Prof Phillip Morgan BSc DipRes PhD PGCHE FHEA AFALT AFBPS holds a Personal Chair in Human Factors and Cognitive Science within the School of Psychology at Cardiff University. He is Director of the Human Factors Excellence Research Group (HuFEx) and Director of Research for the Centre for AI, Robotics and Human-Machine Systems (IROHMS). He is an international expert in Cyberpsychology, Transport Psychology, Humans in Automation and AI, Human-Machine Interface Design, Human-Computer Interaction, and Adaptive Cognition. He has been awarded >£23M funding across >45 funded grants from e.g., Airbus, CREST, DHC-STC, ERDF, EPSRC,


For more information, see https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/958662-morgan-phil


Prof Omer Rana is a Professor of Performance Engineering and previously led the Complex Systems research group. His research interests lie in the overlap between intelligent systems and high performance distributed computing. He is particularly interested in understanding how intelligent techniques could be used to support resource management in distributed systems, and the use of these techniques in various application areas.

Omer is a member of the Blockchains Connected Council for Wales: https://technologyconnected.net/blockchain-connected/ ...

For more information, see https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/118157-rana-omer


Prof Aris Syntetos is Professor of Operational Research at Cardiff University, where he researches forecasting for improving inventory, manufacturing, and supply chain decisions. He holds the DSV Chair of Logistics and Manufacturing, and he is the Editor-in-Chief of the IMA Journal of Management Mathematics (OUP).

For more information, see https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/598321-syntetos-aris



Prof Karen Elliott is Chair of Practice in Finance and FinTech at Birmingham University Business School and Co-Director of the FinTech MSc Degree Programme. She has been named as 'Standout #35 Women in FinTech Powerlist by Innovate Finance' for Policy and Governance 2019, 2020 and listed for the new Hubs (governance) category in 2021. Karen co-leads FinTrust, Agency, and the UKFin Network+ projects (£1.2m/£3.5m/£2.5m EPSRC/UKRI) with Prof van Moorsel to optimise trustworthy and ethical AI, engineered to deliver citizen transparency, fairness, and inclusion. Likewise, co-led Finclusion (Gates Foundation/Turing Institute £100k) ...


Prof William Knottenbelt is Professor of Applied Quantitative Analysis in the Department of Computing and Director of the Imperial College Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering (IC3RE) at Imperial College London. He serves on the editorial board of the cryptocurrency/blockchain journal Ledger, is an editor of Performance Evaluation Journal, and has served as general or program chair of numerous conferences and workshops related to blockchain, cryptocurrency and quantitative analysis. He is an expert of the World Economic Forum on blockchain and is technical advisor to several blockchain start-ups including Gradbase, Aventus and Alice.si.


Prof David G. McMillang is a Professor of Finance at the University of Stirling. His research interests focus on empirical methods within finance, including the forecasting of asset returns and returns volatility with applications to risk management and modelling. He also works on modelling the linkages between asset price movements and the macroeconomy, looking at how financial markets can inform our understanding of macroeconomic conditions and risks.


Prof Tapas Mishra is a Professor of Financial Economics, Head of Banking and Finance, and the founding director of the Centre for Empirical Research in Finance and Banking at the Southampton Business School, University of Southampton. He has published widely in leading finance and economcis journals (over 60 papers) and is a multiple-grant holder from various research councils. His current interest lies in financial technology, theories of R&D and sectoral growth, and arbitrage-cultural relationships in crypto markets, among others.


Dr Vassilios Papavassiliou is Assistant Professor of Finance at University College Dublin, UCD College of Business and a Fellow at the UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy. He earned his Ph.D in Finance from the Queen's University of Belfast, United Kingdom. His research interests span the areas of market microstructure, high-frequency finance, liquidity, bond markets, financial contagion, FinTech, and banking and risk management. He is an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Finance & Economics.


Dr Ovidiu Şerban is a Research Fellow at the Data Science Institute (DSI), Imperial College London. His current work includes real-time Natural Language Processing, Data Curation and Large Scale Visualisation Systems.

Ovidiu's research topics are Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Affective Computing and Interactive System Design. He holds a joint PhD from INSA de Rouen Normandy (France) and "Babeș-Bolyai" University (Romania), while working at LITIS Laboratory in France.


Dr Jia Shao is an Assistant Professor at the School of Mathematics of the University of Birmingham. Her principal research interests are in the intersection of financial and actuarial mathematics: quantitative analysis of Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS), Extreme Value Theory (EVT) and heavy-tailed distributions, with an emphasis on pricing catastrophe risk (CAT) bonds, nuclear power-linked securities and applications.


Dr Steve Yang is an Associate Professor of Quantitative Finance in the School of Business at Stevens Institute of Technology. He holds a Ph.D. in Systems from University of Virginia. His research interests include financial decisions, algorithmic trading, portfolio optimization, and systemic risk. His research has been founded by NSF, SWIFT, IRRC, IAAER, CFTC, DoD, Accenture, KPMG, etc. He was a visiting scholar with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commision in 2020. He is on the Editorial Board for both Expert Systems with Applications and European Journal of Finance journal. Dr. Yang currently serves the Director of the NSF Center for Research toward Advancing Financial Technologies.